Monday, April 29, 2013

Travel to Afghanistan, East, Kabul.

A great start to the day with the first hot shower since Teheran. My first port of call was the Post Office but alas the replacement International Student cards had not arrived - however there were four letters including some sports pages from the local Bournemouth newspaper. Outside the Post Office I was hassled into having a shoeshine by two young urchins but it only cost 2 Afghanis and so no harm to the finances ! I returned to the hotel and sat on the balcony drinking some tea, reading my letters and watching the world. Outside there was a student demonstration protesting against government interference with the University. I was concerned to see a number of riot police but I did not see any trouble. Time for some exercise and so I headed along the river and found one of the bazaars. Obviously I had my directions confused because I soon ended up back at the hotel but conveniently so as Michael and Heather were just leaving. I followed them back to the Post Office where we had a long negotiation over a postage fine, which was eventually reduced from 133 Afghanis to 64 Afghanis - wasted a lot of time though. Heather's watch was broken and we found a repairer who fixed the problem for a princely sum of 35 Afghanis - pretty cheap. Next stop was the Tourist Information centre and then Afghan Airways to check on flights to India - the next stage of the journey might be a problem because the overland border between Pakistan and India was regularly closed due to armed hostilities. During our walk, we passed the Kyber Restaurant which was self service, glass fromted, clean looking and modern - enticing salads and sweets and so we might go there for a treat on another day.


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