Friday, April 19, 2013

Travel to Sri Lanka, Western Province, Colombo.

Before we left home, we had booked only three guided excursions and on this day were scheduled to be driven by tour bus south to the very tip of Sri Lanka to the old Dutch Colonial Port of Galle. It was planned to run for 8.5 hours and we thought it would be a couple hours to drive down and then have plenty of time to explore the folklore museum, see stilt fishermen, and visit the old walled fort that is a world heritage site before having to return to the ship for an 8:30 departure.

We had no inkling of the traffic and congestion we would encounter in the city of Colombo---we have NEVER seen the like before. Lanes in the road are treated as suggestions only we think and we usually traveled through the city streets with 4-5 vehicles along either side our big bus in the 2 lanes. Bikes and people everywhere—sidewalks, curbside, and in the road. Tuk-tuks, scooters, trucks. Oh! My!

We started
1304-104 Just like the States--one or two workers, 9-12 supervisorsour tour by driving through the port area that is being repaired/worked on. It still needs lots of work. We then passed through a shopping area with all kinds of shops, some of which were selling slabs of teak wood stacked around the doorway and out onto the sidewalk.


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