Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Travel to Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Bonavista.

Despite the odds with the weather over the last few days, we made it to the Atlantic Ocean tonight! We are not quite to St. John's yet or the easternmost point of Canada and North America, Cape Spear. We will save that celebration for tomorrow. We are privileged to be in a quaint, scenic little town called Bonavista about 280 kms north of St. John's (where we hope to be tomorrow). We are so thrilled to be here and can't quite believe we have made it to the east coast.

Bonavista's neighbouring village Little Catalina is where our nephew Darryl's beautiful wife Leah was born and lived prior to moving to Red Deer AB and meeting Darryl, and is where they christened their firstborn, Addison, yesterday that we sadly missed due to a record 58cm of snow in Gander over the last two days. We were bound and determined to get here today. Leaving early this morning from Grand Falls-Windsor, we rode to Gander in 1 degree weather, on fairly dry roads, and through our first light snow shower Tim's in Gander NLof the day. We took regular breaks each hour simply in order to thaw out frozen toes that Minus 40 socks guaranteed for life cannot keep warm. First tea of the day was at Tim's in Gander, right on the highway, no snow tires for side roads required. The news was apparently correct - the snow banks in Gander were 4 feet high and most side roads covered. Those along the highway revealed moose tracks (no, we still haven't seen one).

Read more at http://www.travelblog.org/

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