Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Travel to Russia, Siberia, Novosibirsk.

We were in a 4-person cabin, but the other two people were travelling only overnight, so all the following day (until we got off the train mid-afternoon) was just the two of us, which gave us a bit more space (both physically and mentally) to relax. We were well prepared with food and tea bags (water is free from the samovar, which is such an evocative symbol of the train that in Kungar there is a monument of a samovar). I have found it helps to be strict with structuring the day, deciding on set meal times and what will be eaten, to prevent a collapse of discipline resulting in continuous snacking and frustration! I thought I would spend hours on end reading, and I did, but also spent a lot of time just looking out of the window. The classic Siberian landscape - hours and hours of trees passing by the window, with nothing breaking the landscape -
Through the train windowis mesmerising to look at and it is hard to comprehend the size of Russia. I looked out for bears, but I have never heard of a sighting of one from the train, so it was probably hopeless.


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