Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Travel to Oceania, Fiji, Suva.

So here's the thing about Fiji: it's weird. And I mean really weird. So much so that I am dedicating an entire blog to all things odd and Fijian. Starting with coffee. Back home in the states I survive off coffee, my blood is about 40% leukocyte and Erythrocytes and 60% caffeine. So needless to say I was shocked when I found out that all coffee here is instant, yes instant. I feel a bit like a crack addict going through withdrawals, hopefully this will pass. Thank God for a little place called the Republic of Cappucino which offers a pretty decent espresso served in an air conditioned environment with free Wifi (coincidentally that's where I am sitting now).

Now let's talk buses. The transportation system in Suva is pretty decent all in all. There is a bus that stops right outside my flat every 15 minutes. These buses are all brightly colored, windowless, and there is always some horribly done Fijian remix of an American pop song. I no longer remember the real lyrics to Justin Bieber's "Never say never",only the Fijian version.

Let's talk school. This will really throw all my Tech friends for a loop, it sure did mess me up! When registering for classes there is no set schedule, this comes out the day before classes start.Consequently, it is very common to have multiple classes all at the exact same time. So what do you do? You either a) try talking to your lecturer to see if they will change the time of the classes, which to my surprise most of them will or b) you go to one classes one week, and another the next and alternate accordingly. And that is just the beginning of classroom issue but I won't bore you with the details. Next, if you ever have to use the restroom while on campus I sincerely hope you brought your own toilet tissue with you, because it's not provided. I found that one it the hard way! Back home we call toilet tissue "mountain money", guess here it is Jungle money!


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