Thursday, February 21, 2013

Travel to Cambodia, South, Sihanoukville.

We said goodbye to Phnom Penh and started our drive out to Sihanoukville. Once on the toll road it was very smooth and we quickly travelled in to the country. Unlike Vietnam there was little ribbon development probably because there are less people here. There is a wide variety of crops grown not so much rice as Vietnam although they do export rice, however more fruit and vegetables.
We stopped at a cafe for a drink but decided peeled oranges were best. There were Buddhist monks outside with their bowls, all we had were sesame seed crunch which we gave away but they did not look too pleased to receive it. Continuing for about two more hours we then came to the river estuary and boarded a boat with the park ranger. This was the heart of the Ream National Park. It was a low tide but after getting in to the water the ranger and the driver managed to push us off. We saw sea eagles soaring and white Cranes feeding in the shallow water. There were a few houses built at the side of the estuary but not many. People were ducking low in the water and fishing out
Typical home on the riveroysters, others were bent double catching shrimps by hand. Normally we would have walked over the hill to the beach however the water was calm so we continued to the beach by boat. As we did this a shoal of flying fish emerged from the water, frightened by the sound of the engine they propel themselves in to the air.Getting out of the boat was a major challenge for me but with everyone's help I ended up knee deep in the warmest sea water I have been in for a long time, I so wanted to swim in this sea but how? The sand was white, the sun was shining the beach almost deserted except for the Chinese restaurant and 3 holidaymakers. We ordered some seafood fried rice then got into swimming costumes and headed for the sea. Steve went for a swim but all I could do was wade in holding my arm.


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