Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Travel to Spain, Castile & León, Salamanca, Bejar.

On Friday morning we has chocolate con churros, which is amazing! Since I have been sick I only indulged with one churro.

Then after we had our breakfast we were given thelpful tips for traveling. I am pleased to say I have two trips planned! The first is in March and I am going to Paris with about 10 other people from my program here. I am looking forward to seeing what many people have told me is there favorite city in the world. I want to see the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre and everything else Parisian!. I want to pick up some French saying for the short time I am there. The other trip is to Morocco. The details are still being finalized but the trip is mid-April. Looking forward to seeing another continent!

After our workshop I was still feeling under the weather (I still am but I am getting over it) so I went to bed early.

On Saturday, I went with two other girls walking around the city. We stopped in a makeup store and I purchased a lipstick for 1.90! We also went to a clothing store and has fun trying on
P1010389coats just for fun. We have no room to pack any though! Then we went to the grocery store. The girls I was with did their shopping and I picked up a few staples for my kitchen

After our outing we came back to their girls’ apartment to pickup some more curious souls and left to walk around. We came across a beautiful park and we entertained ourselves with the playground toys—including a zipline! The night was freezing (by our southern CA standards) so we did not stay much longer.

After, we got warmed up by our apartments and headed out for some Chinese food nearby. I guess some people were craving it. The food was ok—I am not a huge fan of the cuisine myself but I found food I liked.

After a long day I was tired and ready to relax. So I went home, made myself some tea and had a nice skype session.

The next day Sunday was spent booking hostels for our Paris trip. The internet kept going out because too many activities were going on. The laundry was going, people were cooking and three laptops were in use. After the
P1010391hostels were booked I decided to attempt the laundry. I had accumulated quite a pile clothes needing to be laundered. After the wash cycle completed, I was left with a sopping wet clump of clothes. Dryers are not used here in Spain so off to wring my clothes as best I could I went! One of my roommates who had done laundry a few days prop told me her clothes tool 3 days to dry. So I will be wearing the same pants for the next three days most likely. Oh well, Spaniards do save a lot of money not using driers. I just pray it does not rain! Right now my clothes are in the cold, sopping wet. Hopefully they will catch some sun!

Read more at http://www.travelblog.org/

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! It seems that your experience in Spain is a great one. I do hope mine will be as good as yours. We will be having cheap holiday packages to spain with my family a few weeks from now. Although we definitely would go to historical sites, we would also like to experience the "rural" side of Spain that is vividly depicted in your blog post.
